Preparing Your OSHA 300 Log

Are you preparing your OSHA 300 Log for posting in the workplace? Are you reporting your accident, injuries and loss correctly? If not, it may be effecting your
bottom line in more ways than one!

Inaccurate reporting on your OSHA 300 logs  could subject your company to an OSHA violation. Also, inaccurate reporting  on your OSHA 300 logs  can affect employee morale and production, as well as subject you to higher insurance premiums.  In addition, errors on your OSHA 300 logs  may be disqualifying your company from bidding on contracts and could affect your public image.

February 1, 2013 is the date that OSHA expects employers to post their 300 Logs in a conspicuous place for ALL employees to see.  OSHA states that employers must use the annual summary form (300A) for posting. This form is downloadable from the OSHAwebsite.  The posting period is from February 1 to April 30th.

An executive from the company MUST certify that he/she has reviewed the records related to the log and that he/she reasonably believes that the summary is accurate and complete.  It should be noted that HR Managers and/or Safety Directors, unless they are an officer of the company, can not sign the OSHA 300a log summary.

This annual summary should include the annual average number of employees covered by the Log and total hours worked.  The reason behind this requirement is to help employers compare the relative frequency of occupational injuries and illnesses at the workplace as compared to other establishments.

OSHA continues to focus on recordkeeping and employers need to take the time to review the Log for technical errors as well as review accident reports and other materials and ensure that all recordable incidents have been included.  An employer has a duty to update and maintain records for 5 (five) years plus the current year and provide them for inspection by OSHA investigators.

Employers MUST ensure that the posted summary is not altered, defaced or obscured during the entire posting period.

If you have any questions regarding the OSHA 300 Log or would like one of our professionals to meet with you for an independent review of your company’s 300 Log (or 300A summary log) please give us a call at: 877-399-1698.  You can also reach us by email: or via our website: