OSHA Maritime Standards For Longshoring Operations
Course Description:
This course is designed for individuals working specifically in the maritime industry who have some safety responsibility relative to longshoring operations (29 CFR 1918). This course builds on the entry-level 10-hour course and includes both required and elective outreach topics, which include OSHA’s maritime standards specific to the longshoring industry. Supplementary compliance and safety requirements are covered for gangways and hatch coverings, working surfaces, vessel cargo handling gear, and the safe handling of cargo. Topics covered under 29 CFR 1919 (gear certification requirements) are covered.
Course Topics:
- Walking and working surfaces
- Personal protective equipment
- Fall protection/Scaffolding
- Confined and enclosed spaces
- Fire protection
- Electrical
- Lockout / tagout
- Machine guarding
- Hot work
- Respiratory protection
- Material handling
- Lockout / tagout
Who Should Attend:
All individuals who work on maritime sites
Regulatory Requirements:
29CFR 1918
Additional Details:
No details provided.
Upcoming Dates:
No details provided.
Service Locations:
Massachusetts, Rhode Island