New York City DOB Local Law 196 New Safety Training Requirements: First Deadline March 1, 2018

We are just one week away from the first deadline of the new NYC DOB requirement for safety training requirements. 
At this point, most construction workers in NYC are aware of the OSHA 10 Hour Construction card requirement: you must have taken an OSHA 10 Hour Construction course within the past five years to be able to work on most construction jobs within the five boroughs of New York: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, and Staten Island. 
With 2017 Local Law 196, NYC DOB has upped the ante with more OSHA safety training requirements for most construction within NYC city limits.  
Here’s a breakdown of the new requirements:
NYC DOB Safety Training Requirements by Job
By March 1, 2018, construction workers within the five boroughs working on sites that require a site safety plan will need to have successfully completed an OSHA 10 Hour Construction Outreach course within the past five years. Supervisors have higher levels of training requirements. 
Workers: OSHA 10 hour or 30 Hour Construction Outreach Training by March 1, 2018, 30 Hours of Safety Training completed by December 1, 2018, and 40 Hours of Safety training by 2019. 
Supervisors: 60 Hours of Safety Training.
New Entrants to the Workforce: Once the law is fully implemented in 2019, those who are new to the workforce can begin work once they have completed their OSHA 10 hour Construction  Outreach course at which time they will be given a Temporary Site Safety card, but then must complete the remaining 30 hours of safety training within six months.
The law does NOT apply to:

•    delivery persons, 
•    flag persons,
•    professional engineers, 
•    registered
•    architects,
•    special inspectors,
•    DOB licensees (excluding safety professionals),and
•    workers at jobsites that only include minor alterations or the construction of new 1-,2-,or 3-family homes

Safety Training Compliance Deadlines

MARCH 1, 2018 
Workers must have completed an OSHA 10 Hour Construction course, an OSHA 30 Hour Construction course or a DOB-approved 100-hour training program. 

This is also the date by which the Site Safety Training Task Force is required to issue its recommendations regarding additional training hours and training topics to the Department. 

DECEMBER 1, 2018 
This is the earliest date that workers are required to have completed an OSHA 10 hour construction course and 20 additional training hours specified by DOB. Alternatively they can complete an OSHA 30 hour program; or a DOB-approved 100-hour training program.

Supervisors must complete an OSHA 30 Hour Construction Outreach program and a minimum of 30 additional training hours specified by the NYC DOB.

MAY 1, 2019 
May 1st 2019 is the earliest date that workers must have an OSHA 10 and an additional 30-45 hours of safety training as specified by the NYC DOB. 

Penalties for Non-Compliance with NYC DOB Requirements
The penalties for non-compliance per NYC DOB are as follows: 

“Permit holders are required to attest to DOB that workers are trained. A violation with a civil penalty of up to $5,000 per untrained worker will be issued to the owner of the site, the permit holder, and the employer of the untrained worker.
“A violation with a civil penalty of $2,500 will also be issued if a permit holder fails to maintain a log that proves all of the workers at a site are trained.”

Available OSHA Certification Training Opportunities
United Alliance Services offers OSHA 10 Hour Construction, OSHA 30 Hour Construction, as well OSHA 20 Hour Supplemental Courses. 
The 20 Hour Supplemental Course is a unique way to complete the thirty hour training requirement without having to repeat what you’ve already done, saving both time and money. 
In order to qualify for an OSHA 20 Hour Supplemental course you must have completed an OSHA 10 Hour Construction within the past six months, and take the 20 hour Supplemental with the same United Alliance Services instructor.