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Is distracted driving a concern for your workforce? If you have people who drive during the normal course of their workday, it should be. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 1.2 million accidents involved drivers using cell phones each year.
As we become more connected, we become more dependent upon our phones. It is easy to be tempted to reach for your phone to check that text message that came through, or make a quick call while on the road. However, in some states by doing that you are breaking the law.
In Massachusetts texting while driving has been banned. Massachusetts is one of 41 states that have banned text messaging while driving. 12 states have prohibited using handheld cell phones while driving altogether. You can get a list of distracted driving laws by state here.
In honor of April being National Distracted Driving Awareness Month the National Safety Council has published a free Cell Phone Policy kit for employers who wish to take action on this important safety topic with their workforce. You can download the policy kit here.