If you are a property owner, you should consider the safety of your buildings and construction sites, cranes, suspended and supported scaffolding, hoists and any other building equipment that may come loose under heavy winds and rain. Call UASC today for consulting and professional advice on how to safely secure construction sites and buildings.
Tips for securing construction sites:
Tie down and secure material and loose debris at construction sites.
Cover electrical equipment from exposure to the weather.
Store loose tools, oil cans and extra fuses in a tool box.
Secure netting, scaffolding and sidewalk sheds.
Suspend crane operations and secure crane equipment when wind speeds reach 30 mph or greater.
Suspend hoist operations and secure exterior hoists when wind speeds reach 35 mph or greater, unless manufacturer specifications state otherwise.
Brace and secure construction fences.
Secure all windows.
Call 9-1-1 if there is an emergency on a construction site.
Tips for homeowners:
Bring inside loose, lightweight objects such as lawn furniture, potted plants, garbage cans, garden tools and toys.
Anchor objects that would be unsafe outside, such as gas grills or propane tanks.
Close up and secure patio umbrellas.
Secure retractable awnings.
Clear rooftop drains, gutters and leaders.
Secure all windows.
Remove aerial antennas and satellite television dishes.
photo credit: Daquella Manera Everystock photo