What if an OSHA inspector shows up at your office to conduct an inspection? Would your healthcare office be in compliance, or will there be costly citations? Let the professionals at United Alliance Services assist you in preparing your office for a possible OSHA inspection.
OSHA, enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1970, stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA ensures safe and healthy working conditions throughout the healthcare industry by setting and enforcing standards. This includes offering training, outreach, education, and assistance. Two of the standards related to medical facilities and dentistry are the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard and the Hazard Communication Standard.
The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard requires dentists to protect employees who are at risk for exposure to blood and body fluid. This protection includes hepatitis B vaccination, training and information on bloodborne pathogens, and personal protective attire. All must be provided at no charge to employees. In addition, the employer must have written safety plans, including an exposure control plan.
The Hazard Communication Standard is also known as the “Employee’s Right to Know” law. The standard requires dentists to ensure chemical safety in the workplace. Information must be made available to employees about the identities and hazards of the chemicals. The standard requires employers to provide training, personal protective attire, information for labeling containers of chemicals, and to maintain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). In addition to the current OSHA hazardous communication standard employee now need additional training under the new Global Harmonization Standard or GHS by December 31, 2013.
Under the OSH Act of 1970 the “General Duty Clause” requires employers to provide “a place of employment free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.” The clause also requires each employee to “comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Act, which are applicable to his own actions and conduct.” Doctors, dentists and employees are all responsible for safe work conditions and adhering to OSHA requirements.
During your mock OSHA audit our experts will look very closely at compliance requirements that are focused specifically on the healthcare, medical and dental industries. Some of the compliance areas we look at our listed below:
OSHA training and documentation. Documentation of training should be kept for three years.
Hepatitis B vaccination Clinical employees within 10 days of employment.
Documentation of immunity to hepatitis B vaccination on file. If an employee declines the hepatitis B vaccine, the employee signature must be on file.
Health and Safety manual or OSHA manual review. If you don’t have a current manual, United Alliance can assist in the development of one.
Placement of OSHA poster.
Bloodborne Pathogen Standard and policy.
Employee record-keeping and health forms on file. Record-keeping of health forms should be keep for the duration of employment PLUS 30 years.
Inspection of eyewash stations.
Inspection of fire extinguishers and mounts.
Inspection of emergency exits and markings.
Inspection for safe work conditions such as electrical and trip and fall hazards.
Review evacuation plans and protocols.
Inspection of first aid kit and training of employees requiring First Aid/CPR/AED certifications.
Review of hand hygiene policies.
Review of exposure incident protocol making sure it is current and reviewed annually.
Inspection of personal protective equipment (PPE): clinical jacket, protective eyewear, mask, gloves (both exam and utility).
Inspection of engineering controls, such as needle recapping devices or safety syringes.
Review and evaluation of sharps devices.
Review of Hazard Communication Standard: inventory of hazardous substances, material safety data sheets (MSDS), placement of labels on containers, inspection of all chemical containers for leaks, employee training and documentation, PPE provided for handling chemicals and training and information on chemical spill, disposal, and cleanup.
Inspection of labels, signs, and symbols (chemical, biohazard, radiation, etc.)
Review of ergonomic plan for the reduction of incidents for musculoskeletal injuries.
We encourage you to schedule a mock OSHA inspection to assure full compliance and to give your employees the confidence that their office is a safe place to work. Owners of medical and dental offices will benefit from this process by avoiding harmful and costly accidents.
To schedule an appointment with one of our specialists for a mock OSHA audit or a training session for your staff please give us a call at 877-399-1698 or email us at safetysolutions@unitedallianceservices.com. You can also request a quote by clicking here.