When was your OSHA certification card issued? Is it more than 5 years old? If it is you could be in trouble and face loss of work. On July 1, 2011 Connecticut Senate and House of representatives approved Public Act No. 11-63: An Act Concerning Construction Safety Refresher Training Courses. This act has made a rule stating that even though OSHA says that your certification card never expires, the state of Connecticut wants you to get re-certified every 5 years. Any person required to complete a course under this act and has not completed one, is subject to removal from the work-site if the person does not provide documentation of having completed such a course by the 15th day after the date the person is found to be in noncompliance.
No later than January 1, 2012 the Labor Commissioner shall adopt regulations that will require that the 10 Hour Construction Safety and Health courses be conducted in accordance with federal OSHA Training Institute standards, or in the case of a supplemental refresher training course will include an update of revised OSHA standards and a review of required construction hazards training.
OSHA 10 and 30 Hour Construction training does not have a refresher program so both those course will need to be taken again. But if there is a refresher course for a necessary area of training, like the 8 hour HAZWOPER refresher, it will be in compliance with this new act.
This rule is going to affect everyone on the jobsite, so don’t let it happen to you. Get your OSHA certification renewed every 5 years so you do not risk losing time on the job.
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