On 12/16/2010 OSHA announced that they rescinded the old fall protection standard and replaced it with a new standard. The new standard requires that contractors use fall protection measures when working 6 feet above a lower level. They include using guard rails, fall arrest systems and or safety nets. If using these three approaches is infeasible you must create a site specific plan and use it on site. Contractors must have a written fall protection plan in place. OSHA has determined that there is no residential job where economic infeasibility is a reason not to use fall protection to protect workers. Workers covers employees and all sub contractors who work on the site.
OSHA first announced that contractors must have their fall protection plan in place on 6/16/2011. However on 6/9/2011 they announced that contractors can continue to use their old written plans and they have a 3 month phase in period to adopt and put in place the new standard. In the event you do not have a plan in place for the old standard you are already in violation of OSHA fall protection standards. If visited by OSHA you will likely be fined on the spot!
Do you have questions about your Protection Plan?
Call 877.399.1698 to find your answers.
Or visit us: United Alliance Services