For a company who is wondering through the maze of regulatory compliance, The Safety and Health Training Center can conduct a Safety Needs Assessment that will help identify needs and deficiencies. Conducted similar to an OSHA inspection, without the subsequent citations and penalties, the Safety Needs Assessment consists of the following:
Identification of previous injuries and illnesses(utilizing the OSHA #300 log);
Review of existing Safety and Health Programs
Review of existing Training Documentation
Upon review of existing documentation, the compliance experts at United Alliance Services Corporation will conduct a walk-through of the facility or site. This walk-through is to identify unsafe practices or unsafe acts that may be occurring within the location. In addition, identification of deficiencies in the implementation of the safety programs or the training performed is important to assisting our clients in achieving compliance. Once the walk-through is completed, our safety assessors will conference with our clients and discuss their findings. A complete comprehensive report will be prepared and submitted to our clients, detailing our findings.