As businesses begin to reopen and employees start returning to work, now, more than ever, safety is crucial both inside and outside the workplace. In concert with the National Safety Council, we’re recognizing June as National Safety Month®. National Safety Month focuses on saving lives and preventing injuries, from the workplace to anyplace.
Share the Safety Message in June
To help spread the word about National Safety Month, we’re sharing recent information on relevant safety topics. Here are articles and a recent webinar related to safety:
Simple Guidelines for All Workers and Employers to Stay Safe from COVID-19
Why You Should Consider a Safety Professional
Prevent Construction Struck-By Fatalities by Implementing Proper Safety Techniques
The importance of Ariel Lift Safety Training
On June 11th, we hosted a webinar: What Employers Need To Know About Covid-19 Testing & Acclerating The Return To Work. Which provided tips on keeping the workplace safe for employees and customers Topics included:
- How do employers verify employees’ health status?
- What type of documentation is required?
- Are thermometers and other testing protocols even available?
- What other protocols are required, like wearing masks and conducting health screening, temperature screening and latest anti-body testing options?
- What if employees refuse to come back claiming the workplace is unsafe?
Safety Training Courses
Safety training courses can help you obtain necessary OSAH certifications, expand your skillset and knowledge, and stay current with industry safety trends and requirements. We offer online, onsite, and public classes safety training programs.
Choose the right safety course and training that fits your schedule. Enroll in our online courses during your downtime and save 20% by using code: STAYSAFE
Safety Consulting Services
We offer two Safety Service Options:
COVID-19 CONSULTING BUNDLE – Written directive/policy on requirements which can be either a corporate policy or a site-specific policy.
COVID-19 TRAINING (INFECTION CONTROL WEBINAR) – We offer Open Enrollment Classes and Private Company Sponsored Classes made available at your convenience.
If you have concerns about the safety of your workplace, please contact us today to learn about steps you can take to protect your employees and keep your business open.