OSHA and NIOSH to Co-Host Free Webinar on Preventing Falls in ConstructionAt 11 a.m. EST on April 10, OSHA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the National Occupational Research Agenda Construction Sector Council will co-moderate a free webinar on preventing deadly falls in construction. To register and learn more about the campaign partners’ efforts to stop fatal falls, visit the registration page. More information and resources on fall prevention are available at www.osha.gov/stopfalls. OSHA Heads for Employers with DART Rate High-Hazards OSHA issued its annual inspection plan under the Site-Specific Targeting (SST) 2012 program to direct its enforcement arm to non-construction workplaces where the highest rates of injuries/illnesses occur. The SST plan is based on data collected from surveys of establishments in high-hazard industries in 2009 and 2010. Only workplaces with 20 or more workers will be targeted under the program.All those on the primary list under federal OSHA jurisdiction will be inspected. Further surveyed sites may be placed on primary lists in state-plan states or on secondary lists. Check out the OSHA releases or 9,400 D.A.R.T. letters affecting employers MA, CT, RI, and NYPriority: Who’s targeted for inspection? Primary (OSHA * only) 1,260 establishments that have been inspected by federal OSHA under SST-1 Primary (state-plan Surveyed manufacturing sites with DART ** states only) rate at or above 7, or DAFWII ** rat at or above 5 Surveyed non-manufacturing sites with DART rate at or above 15, or DAFWII rate at or above 14 Secondary (OSHA * only) 990 establishments that have been inspected by federal OSHA under SST-11 Surveyed manufacturing sites with DART rate at or above 5 but less than 7, or DAFWII rate at or above 4 but less than 5 Surveyed non-manufacturing sites with DART rate at or above 7 but less than 15, or DAFWII rate at or above 5 but less than 14 Random sample of sites that did not respond to the survey * Federal OSHA only. ** DART and DAFWII are defined in SST-12. OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) is now aligned with the Globally Harmonized System ATTENTION: Employers face major compliance deadlines under OSHA’s new Hazard Communication (HazCom) rules. OSHA’s adoption of the Global Harmonization System (GHS) for Classifying and Labeling Chemicals affects over 40 million employees at more than 400,000 facilities nationwide. All employees must be trained on the new HazComm rules by December 1, 2013. The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) is now aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). This update to the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) will provide a common and coherent approach to classifying chemicals and communicating hazard information on labels and safety data sheets. Once implemented, the revised standard will improve the quality and consistency of hazard information in the workplace, making it safer for workers by providing easily understandable information on appropriate handling and safe use of hazardous chemicals. This update will also help reduce trade barriers and result in productivity improvements for American businesses that regularly handle, store, and use hazardous chemicals while providing cost savings for American businesses that periodically update safety data sheets and labels for chemicals covered under the hazard communication standard. During the transition period employers may comply with either the HazCom 1994, the Haz Com 2012, or both. OSHA had provided information on the 1994 HazCom standard as well as general information on hazard communication and HazCom 2012, at https://www.osha.gov/dsg/hazcom/index.html. The effective dates for the HazCom 2012 can found at: https://www.osha.gov/dsg/hazcom/effectivedates.html For more information on our GHS Training Seminars and updates visit our Blog for updates.United Alliance Services is Now Offering Clients Safety Supplies and Personal Protective Equipment at Discounted Prices:Safety in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges facing employers today. Protecting the health of your employees often falls upon the safety products utilized within the work environment. At United Alliance Services, we have one of the largest safety supply inventories available on the web and servicing retail customers in the New England and Tri-State region. Our corporate retail outlet is located 30 minutes outside of Boston and Providence with future retail locations coming soon to the Hartford and New York City areas. No matter what line of industry you’re in, we can help you find safety equipment supplies perfectly suited for your workforce. With an ever-growing catalog of safety supply products, we pride ourselves on staying up to date with the most technologically advanced equipment available in the marketplace. From advanced lab safety equipment supplies to the most basic pair of safety glasses, we have a supply of what you’re looking for. United Alliance Services, specializes in all types of Safety Gear, Safety Apparel, and other Safety Equipment. Compare our prices on Safety Eyewear, Safety Goggles, Respirators, Dust Masks, Safety Gloves, Disposable Coveralls, Hearing Protection, and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).Group Pricing on OSHA 10 Hour Training Courses Only $99/pp!If you have twenty (20) or more employees that need training, enroll them all at the same time in a private class at your location(s) and receive special group discounts of $99/pp on OSHA Outreach courses (all material and certification fees are included, travel cost is additional). Please complete the request for quote form or call us today at 877-399-1698.