According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health there are about 70 work-related fatalities each year among this young work population. Additionally, more than 200,000 young workers are injured on the job; 70,000 of them require emergency room treatment. Further, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that younger workers continue to have the highest rate of work-related deaths, injuries, and illnesses. Expressing concern for young workers, the former Secretary of Labor, stated, “Today’s youth will be the workforce of the 21st Century. One of my priorities for the U.S. Department of Labor is to assist America’s youth in preparing to enter that workforce.”
United Alliance Services has programs that are specifically designed to address workplace safety for young workers. We believe our determination to meet all of our client’s workforce needs will make a valuable contribution to the Department of Labor’s efforts to prepare young people for a safe and prosperous future in the workplace. There are many benefits for young workers who successfully complete the formal safety training program. If young workers attend an OSHA Outreach Course they will receive an official wallet card from theOSHA Training Institute (OTI). The wallet card demonstrates that the individual has the fundamental safety knowledge needed in the workplace. Participants will also receive a certificate of course completion from United Alliance Services Corporation which will enhance their resumes. All participants will develop a safety mindset and acquire marketable skills for a competitive edge. The largest benefit however, is the reduction of risks to themselves and their employers.
Please feel free to call us on special pricing for youth training. United Alliance Services is committed to delivering the highest quality training programs at a reasonable cost to young workers, educators and employers.
“Help us make a difference for today’s young workers!”