As our world continuously turns, we are spinning at a faster rate than ever with the demands of a hectic workforce, as well as a rapidly changing society. There is no better time to creatively address new and upcoming changes. It is in times like these when we reevaluate the ways of the world, for today, tomorrow and for the future. As a successful company vision United Alliance Services Corporation, UASC, we look at the long term with anticipation of change, while staying on track for success with our short term goals. We believe this will enhance the effect of our companies overall growth and relative success not just in the New Year, 2012 but for a prolonged period of years to come. Similarly public and private sectors have made similar resolutions; such as National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). “The individual decides how many calories per day and how much physical activity per week will produce the optimum balance of health. The agency or the business looks at budget, staffing, and customer expectations to set comparable organizational goals of staying healthy and responsive” (NIOSH eNews, 2012). Like NIOSH, United Alliance Services Corporation (UASC) is setting goals for years to come. We are continually looking to improve as we grow to the challenging fast pace beat of the U.S. workforce. We aim to be at the leading edge of both technology and training. Understanding that technology will grow at a continually accelerated rate, UASC is taking proactive steps now to plan for the ways in which our company will address OS&H training and consulting in the future as a result of the forever new technologies.
Looking ahead to topics such as technology and diversity we undoubtedly see change. Although there is no telling quite where they will head, one thing is for certain, they are going to continually change and grow. Change and growth is good, and early preparation for anticipated growth is a major core value of rising to the forefront of the future and our company. This is being studied now by UASC so that we can remain ahead of competitors and continue to offer the best and most up-to-date services for our customers.
Change that is inevitable will come to transform the workforce of the United States, technology, diversity, later retirement, high stress, and perhaps increases in job hazards. As jobs decentralize and industries grow, potentials for hazards grow. That is why UASC, and others, have projected a clear vision as to how to deal, react and respond to the ways of the New Years.
Works Cited
John Howard, M.D.. (2012). Looking Ahead with 2020 Vision. NIOSH eNews. 9 (9), 1-30.