Business owners hear day after day that the economy has seen better days. We appear to be heading toward certain economic decline. Business struggles with important questions about keeping how to keep its head above water and still make a profit. Hanging on every word from highly paid economic experts and examining every colorful complicated economic chart known to man doesn’t change the fact your business is heading for some challenging times.
It all comes down to good old fashioned business “street smarts”. Americans start a business because they have dreams of giving their families the best they could offer. We want to compete with others by making better products, be recognized for our accomplishments, or maybe we just wanted to control own financial destiny. In spite of the confusion and disagreement that plague our politicians, we still have a business to run.
Bringing home the bacon and securing your future success not only depends on your ability and business “street smarts, it also relies on your most important resources. Creativity, perseverance, flexibility, expertise, and the welfare of your employees will be the deciding factors for your financial future. Keep in mind that as difficult as it may be to achieve your goals in this current economic fog, business is still required to comply with regulatory requirements that protect the safety of employees.
The actual and hidden costs of workplace injuries should be costly enough to get our attention. According to the most recent numbers extracted by the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2009 there were 965,000 cases involving days away from work. If you take into account the figures from 2007 to 2009 the numbers look more like 3,201,000. That’s valuable business time spent resting on the couch or in a hospital bed listening to some financial expert on television talk about the current state of American business.
The cost of workplace safety doesn’t compare to the cost of worker’s compensation, insurance costs, the cost of working with reduced staff, not meeting regulatory compliance, and of course, the reputation of your business. It’s just the tip of the iceberg my friends. Sure it’s hard to make cuts. Watering down the office coffee and skipping the doughnuts may make you feel like you’re doing something meaningful but eliminating worker safety programs and training from your budget is just plain crazy.
Developing worker safety programs and providing training is easy if you know where to look. This is where we can help your business. Contact us at United Alliance Services. The cost of good workplace safety shouldn’t cost that much.
Ph: 877.399.1698