WEBINAR: What Employers Need to Know About COVID-19 Testing and Accelerating the Return to Work


Date: Thursday, June 11, 2020 1:00PM – 2:00PM EST


As businesses reopen many employers are faced with uncertainty of state and federal OSHA and CDC guidelines to monitor and document employee’s health status as a key part of their safety protocol and prevent the spread of the virus. How do employers verify employees’ health status? What type of documentation is required? Are thermometers and other testing protocols even available? What other protocols are required, like wearing masks and conducting health screening, temperature screening and latest anti-body testing options? What if employees refuse to come back claiming the workplace is unsafe?

Join us for a OccuMed of New England hosted webinar where we’ll try to sort out these questions and more. Our panel of experts include OccuMed’s Chief Operating Officer, Richard Sarnie, Dave Wilson, founding partner at Hirsch Roberts Weinstein LLP and Matthew Pappas, President of ARCpoint Labs of Woburn.


Employers need to prepare strategies for how they intend to send their employees back to work, but it’s a complicated process to verify which employees are safe to return to work and when. 

In partnership with our legal partners from at Hirsch Roberts Weinstein LLPa Boston firm specializing in labor law and our clinical testing partners at ARCpoint Labs of Woburn, a national provider of laboratory testing we’ve developed a series of solutions that can facilitate COVID-19 testing and provide a legal and medical ecosystem solution for  tracking, monitoring and maintaining employer and employee confidential information with real-time test results reporting to your company’s HR team within your own secure portal.

By outsourcing a company’s return-to-work process to OccuMed of New England and our partners, you will have a secure and verified framework for continuous test monitoring while minimizing employee disruption.

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